Coco Discs are an easy to use grow-substrate that can be used in pots. Coco discs reduce the cost of labor in the pot filling in larger plantations. Widely used as a growing medium for plant since the initial stages of seeding or planting.
Coco discs are available in different shapes, weights as well as sizes with a diameter between 2.5 cm to 15 cm. We can manufacture coco disks of any size. Please contact for more information.
The discs soak water until the pressed discs rapidly expand to a required volume. The excellent physical characteristics are comparable with those of loose coco substrate.
Coco discs can be made using a mixture of coco peat and coco chips according to customer’s needs.
All MassCoco products are environmental friendly and 100% biodegradable. Our substrates are constantly checked for pH and EC to ensure the highest quality to our customers.
Feel free to contact us for more information about this product.